Phoenix Academy

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Enrichment at Sixth Form

Enrichment at Phoenix Academy Sixth Form is a crucial part of the taught curriculum. We have a comprehensive program designed to support students’ future aspirations and personal development. Throughout the two years of A Level study, students will have one-to-one meetings with the Sixth Form Team to help make important decisions about their future, whether that is to pursue a university degree, an apprenticeship to enter the working world.

Every week, students will participate in a after school period of enrichment each Wednesday afternoon, covering a wide range of topics such as guest speakers, careers advice, assistance in gaining work experience, guidance on volunteering, CV writing, and university preparation. Leadership and public speaking are also integral parts of our enrichment program, in which we provide opportunities for our students to develop these crucial skills through various activities and workshops, such as one hosted by 2-3 Degrees, DWP, GlaxoSmithKline and Spark. Additionally, students have the chance to engage in whole school events, fostering a sense of community and offering up the opportunity for our Sixth Form students to take on leadership roles within the Academy, such as Head Boy or Head Girl.

We also place a strong emphasis on mental health through our enrichment programme, ensuring students have access to the support and resources needed to maintain their well-being at such a crucial stage in their life. This occurs regularly, but with a particular emphasis every four-weeks in our monthly Wellbeing Wednesday events, in which we utilise support from experts like Young Minds and the NHS.

We believe that all our Sixth Formers have the potential to attend top universities, and we are dedicated to helping them achieve this goal through university campus trips and highly personalised support for every aspect of their UCAS application which is built into our enrichment programme.